Ninja Bytes

Setup blog in 10 mins

July 11, 2020

I’ll jot down steps which I followed and use to create and manage my blog.


Steps to create and deploy your blog

  1. Choose a Gatsby theme - gatsby-starter-blog
  2. You can preview the theme. Now scroll down and look for Try this starter and click on Netlify
  3. After clicking, it will connect Netlify to your GitHub account and create your repository(You can write any Repository name).
  4. Your site will then deploy to netlify in few minutes.

Steps to edit your blog

  1. Create a new sandbox and import that blog project created by netlify from github
  2. You can now see the complete blog code running.
  3. YOu can now edit or create new blogs inside content folder.

Written by Vishal Jain | works at Paytm. linkedin-24